Editable Lapbook Template


Why buy 1 lapbook for each theme when you can have them all in a single, cost-saving purchase? This EDITABLE lapbook bundle is perfect for all year. This bundle includes 21 different seasonal and holiday page toppers, 20 different fold/cut and paste template pieces and the best part? YOU decide what goes in them–perfect for differentiation, foreign languages, if you teach multiage or even if you change grade levels!


This Editable Lapbook Template is a versatile and customizable resource that includes 21 different seasonal and holiday page toppers for Thanksgiving through spring, summer, fall and winter, 20 different fold/cut and paste template pieces, and video instructions for assembling each lap book template piece. With this resource, you can easily create lapbooks for various occasions throughout the year, making it perfect for differentiation, foreign language instruction, multiage classrooms, or changing grade levels.

The editable lapbook template can be differentiated based on grade level, language, or other specific needs of the students. Note: The following are suggested topics for each theme and can be customized by teachers when editing the lapbook template.

  1. Boy and Girl (All About Me Lapbook): create a lapbook that showcases interests, hobbies, favorite things, and family. Include pictures, drawings, and writing to share information about themselves, their personality, and their background.
  2. Apple (Apple-themed Lapbook): learn about apples, their life cycle, and different types of apples. Include information about apple orchards, apple recipes, and the nutritional value of apples.
  3. Pumpkin (Pumpkin-themed Lapbook): explore the world of pumpkins by learning about their growth cycle, varieties, and uses. Include information about pumpkin carving, pumpkin recipes, and pumpkin folklore.
  4. Turkey (Thanksgiving Lapbook): focus on modern traditions of Thanksgiving and things they are grateful for. They can include information about the Pilgrims, turkeys and family.
  5. Reindeer (Winter Animals Lapbook): learn about reindeer and other winter animals, their habitat, adaptations, and behaviors. Include information about reindeer in folklore and mythology, as well as their role in holiday celebrations.
  6. Gingerbread Man (Gingerbread-themed Lapbook): explore the story of the Gingerbread Man and create a lapbook that includes characters, settings, and events from the story. They can also learn about gingerbread traditions from around the world and write a gingerbread recipe.
  7. Snowman (Winter Fun Lapbook): celebrate winter and snowmen. Include information about snow, snowflakes, and snowman building. They can also write about their favorite winter activities and winter sports and traditions.
  8. Penguin (Penguin-themed Lapbook): Learn about penguins, their habitat, behavior, and adaptations to survive in cold environments. Include information about different penguin species, penguin life cycle, and penguin facts.
  9. New Year (New Year’s Resolutions Lapbook): Focus on the New Year and setting resolutions. Reflect on the past year, set goals for the upcoming year, and create action plans to achieve their resolutions. Include New Year traditions from around the world and create New Year-themed decorations.
  10. 101st/100th day of School (100 Days of Learning Lapbook): Celebrate the 100th day of school or 101st day of school. Reflect on what they have learned so far, create a list of 100 things they have learned, and write about their favorite school memories. They can also create a timeline of the school year and include 100-themed art and writing.
  11. Groundhog Day (Groundhog Day Lapbook): Learn about Groundhog Day, history, and traditions. Include information about Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog, and his predictions. Write about their own predictions for spring, and learn about other animals that hibernate.
  12. Valentine Lovebug (Valentine’s Day Lapbook): Create a lapbook that celebrates Valentine’s Day and love. They can write about the history of Valentine’s Day, create valentine cards, and learn about different symbols of love. They can also include information about famous love stories or write their own love stories.
  13. St. Patrick’s Day (St. Patrick’s Day Lapbook): Learn about the history, traditions, and symbols of St. Patrick’s Day. Include information about St. Patrick, leprechauns, shamrocks, and the color green. Write about their favorite St. Patrick’s Day activities, and learn about Irish culture and traditions.
  14. Earth Day (Earth Day Lapbook): Focus on environmental awareness and Earth Day. Learn about the importance of taking care of the Earth, the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), and ways to protect the environment. Include information about endangered animals, pollution, and conservation efforts. Write about ways they can make a difference.
  15. Easter Bunny (Easter Lapbook): Learn about the history and traditions of Easter, including the story of the Easter Bunny. Include information about Easter eggs, Easter baskets, and Easter symbols. Create Easter-themed crafts, write about their favorite Easter traditions, and learn about different ways Easter is celebrated around the world.
  16. Graduation Owl (Graduation Lapbook): Create a lapbook that celebrates graduation and achievements. Reflect on their accomplishments, set goals for the future, and write about their dreams and aspirations. They can also include information about graduation traditions and express their appreciation for teachers and classmates.
  17. Sunshine (Summer Fun Lapbook): Create a lapbook that celebrates the joys of summer. Write about their favorite summer activities, create a bucket list of summer adventures, and include information about summer weather, holidays, and traditions. Write about their favorite summer memories, and learn about what summer is like in other parts of the world.
  18. 4th of July (Independence Day Lapbook): Learn about the history and traditions of Independence Day, including the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. Include information about fireworks, parades, and other 4th of July celebrations. Create patriotic-themed art and crafts, write about their favorite 4th of July activities, and learn about American symbols and landmarks.

The resource comes in a “type-in editable” format, allowing you to customize it with your own text. You will receive a link to a Google Slides file, which contains blank lapbook template pieces. The template pieces are prefilled with a Penguin theme, serving as an example of how the lapbook can be used.

These Editable Lapbook Template printables are not only educational but also fun for students to assemble. The video instructions for each template piece help students understand the assembly process easily. This resource allows for creativity and personalization as you can add your own text and content to the lapbook template pieces. It’s a great resource for engaging students in hands-on learning experiences throughout the year.

What other teachers are saying about this Editable Lapbook Template resource:

  • Extremely satisfied–I used this resource all year to create a lapbook for earth science. It is very easy to customize, and my students enjoy the variety. I have purchased pre-made lap books in the past, but found them frustrating because I wanted certain things included in them. The price made this an excellent option, and it has been flexible enough to go through the whole year.

You can see what else is in the shop here or take a look at this resource in my TpT shop here.

© Jen Lium | Teaching in the Tongass