Donuts with Dads

Donuts with Dads activities

I am so excited to share one of my favorite events of the year…Donuts with Dads!  This will be my 7th year hosting this event and I couldn’t be more excited. Never heard of Donuts with Dads? Skeptical that you wouldn’t get any dads to come?  Rest assured, friends. I thought I’d start off by giving a few tips to host your own Donuts with Dads event!

We recently had our Donuts with Dads event and made these cute little donuts to give to the “dads” that came in. Adorable, right?! You can make a little gift like these Editable Donuts with Dads Craft (the writing pages are editable so you can type any prompt you want).

Donuts with Dads Craft

If you’ve thought about hosting your own Donuts with Dads event or are tinkering around with the idea this year, take the plunge! I promise you won’t regret it! Here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way to help the process go smoothly.


donuts with dad

Host Your Event Close to Father’s Day

In the past, I’ve had my Donuts with Dads in December. However, I’ve noticed that if you plan for it to be closer to Father’s Day (around the end of school), it seems to make more sense on the calendar. donuts with dad

Make It Clear That Grandpas, Uncles, Brothers, etc. Are Invited

Whether or not your students have their dads in their lives, you can still host a Donuts with Dads. I’ve called it Donuts with Dudes for several years. Just make sure to have that honest conversation with your class about how it’s okay if your dad can’t make it…we have a solution! See the next tip!

donuts with dad

Arrange For a Few Volunteers to Cover Any Absent Parents

High school students often need extra credit hours. Many staff in your building would love to participate. Ask your own friends and family. Believe me, people will come through #ittakesavillage #peopleknowit

donuts with dad

Give Plenty of Notice So Parents Can Ask for Time Off Work

Don’t forget, people have jobs just like you. They require at least a few days notice to get time off work. If you know ahead of time, let them know! I like to give at least a month’s notice in case someone is making travel arrangements. Also, make sure you remind them of the date as it draws near. I like to print any super important things on bright paper so it’s not as easy to miss and I can refer to it to students later (“Did you show your mom the pink paper?”). You can find the editable Muffins with Moms invitation and reminder bracelet (paper strips students wear home around their wrist) here.

Donuts with Dads Reminder Bracelet

donuts with dad

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Parents are often willing to help with all kinds of things! The key is to communicate. Don’t be afraid to ask for parents to bring in items for your event. They will often volunteer to be in charge of coffee or setting up/taking down. Just ask!

And how cute are these guys in this donut frame?!

Donuts with Dads Photo Prop

You can find the donut craft, editable donuts with dads invitation, frame and more in the Complete Donuts with Dads Event Kit.


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