Digital and Printable Chore Chart


This Chore Chart is perfect for any kid that will benefit from using a little motivation in learning responsibility! Decide which board you’ll use (I’ve included an editable page so you can add a name, days of the week, etc and change the amount of chores or columns) and just drag and drop the visual chore icons right onto the board. 
Available in a printable version AND as an online option for Google Slides.


Introducing our versatile Digital and Printable Chore Chart, a must-have for children seeking an extra dose of motivation in developing responsibility. This innovative chart is designed to optimize your child’s learning experience while ensuring a seamless integration into their daily routine. With customizable features, you have the freedom to select the perfect board, personalize it with names, days of the week, and even adjust the number of chores or columns to suit your specific requirements.

The convenience of our Digital and Printable Chore Chart empowers you to stay organized and updated from any location. Whether you’re at home or at work, choose between the digital version for Google Slides, allowing for easy editing and printing, or the printable 11×8.5 format for a traditional paper-based experience.

Our comprehensive Digital and Printable Chore Chart includes a wide range of engaging chore icons to cover every aspect of your child’s responsibilities. From “putting toys away” to “washing dishes,” each chore is represented visually, along with blank versions, enabling you to personalize the chart with your own text.

Motivating your child has never been easier with this extensive list of chore icons, as well as blank versions to add your own text:

  • Put toys away
  • Clean toilet
  • Backpack job
  • Clean car
  • Wipe clean
  • Wash up
  • Brush your teeth
  • Clean sink
  • Water plants
  • Empty garbages
  • Do homework
  • Get dressed
  • Clean windows
  • Wash clothes
  • Empty recycling
  • Make lunch
  • Feed pets
  • Set table
  • Empty trash cans
  • Fix hair
  • Wipe surfaces
  • Clean mirror
  • Mop floor
  • Put away dishes
  • Sweep floor
  • Make your bed
  • Put clothes away
  • Wash dishes
  • Clean up
  • Do laundry
  • Dust surfaces
  • Vacuum floor

Enhance your child’s sense of responsibility and boost their productivity with our Digital and Printable Chore Chart. Order now to unlock the potential for growth and success in their daily routines!

What other teachers are saying about this Digital and Printable Chore Chart:

  • Extremely satisfied–I used this with my son to keep him on track- thank you for creating this- it’s a great motivator!
  • Extremely satisfied–I am using this with my own son so he has some ownership and pride in how he can help around the house. I can see us using this for years to come.

You can see what else is in the shop here or take a look at this resource in my TpT shop here.

All rights reserved © Jen Lium | Teaching in the Tongass