End of the Year Activities Memory Book Awards ABC Countdown


These end of year activities include a variety of engaging printables to help transition your students into summer.


Elevate your last week of school fun with these End of the Year Activities, a perfect way to help your students smoothly transition and countdown to summer. This all-inclusive resource features a wide range of engaging printables, carefully crafted to keep your students motivated and enthusiastic during the final days of the school year.
End of the Year Activities resource includes:
  • Graduation End of the Year Awards Certificates with editable name, teacher name, and date fields, allowing for personalized certificates that celebrate the achievements of your students
  • All About My Year (or grade level) Flip Book Memory Book with 3 topper options, empowering students to create a cherished keepsake of their favorite memories from the school year
  • ABC Countdown to Summer, a fun and interactive way to count down the days until summer break, bringing excitement and anticipation to the end of the school year
  • Portfolio covers with editable name, type, and grade fields, enabling personalized organization for a smooth transition to the next academic year or to be used as a keepsake for families
  • Letter to Future Self writing pages with 4 differentiated line options, promoting self-reflection and goal-setting for the future, encouraging students to think about their aspirations beyond the current school year
  • Summer Goals writing/drawing activity, inspiring students to set and visualize their goals for the upcoming summer, fostering a sense of purpose and motivation for reading
  • Countdown to Summer dry erase sign, a customizable visual reminder of the remaining days of the school year, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation among students
  • Summer Reading Goals with anchor chart pieces, goal writing, and a Summer Reading Log, encouraging students to continue reading during the summer months
  • Last Day of School posters with 3 options, including one with editable grade level, one personalized chalkboard design, and one photo prop frame design, perfect for capturing and commemorating the last day of the school year
  • The Important Thing writing pages, extending the concept of “The Important Book” and encouraging reflection on the past year
Elevate your end of the year celebrations with our engaging and comprehensive End of the Year Activities resource, meticulously designed to keep your students motivated and excited as they transition into summer. Customize it to suit your classroom needs and create lasting memories for your students during the final week of school!
You can see what else is in the shop here or take a look at this resource in my TpT shop here.
All rights reserved © Jen Lium | Teaching in the Tongass

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