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Writing Anchor Chart

Balanced Literacy Curriculum Reading and Writing Bundle

Original price was: $184.00.Current price is: $105.00.

Have you always wanted to run an organized and purposeful Reading and Writing Workshop? Do you need guidance with managing each area? Or maybe your current literacy program is stale, too wordy and you’re constantly looking for resources to supplement? This systematic approach to Reading Workshop, Writing Workshop and Poetry is jam-packed with resources to successfully launch and implement a reading and writing workshop, whether you have one in place already or are looking to change up your existing routine and start fresh. The best part? You can put it in motion TODAY with this matching set of literacy resources.


Balanced Literacy Curriculum Reading and Writing Bundle is your comprehensive solution for launching and managing a successful reading and writing block this year. This all-in-one resource is designed to support educators in implementing an organized and purposeful reading and writing program throughout the year. Whether you’re looking to refresh your existing routine or start fresh, this bundle provides the guidance, tools, and supplemental resources you need to enhance your literacy instruction.
By incorporating this balanced approach to literacy instruction, you’ll improve your classroom management and optimize student learning outcomes. Say goodbye to wordy and outdated literacy programs, as this bundle offers a streamlined and effective solution that can be implemented immediately. With our carefully selected resources, you’ll be equipped to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment for your students.
Get started today with the Balanced Literacy Curriculum Reading and Writing Bundle and witness the transformation in your classroom. Empower your students’ reading and writing skills while boosting your own instructional efficiency.
The Balanced Literacy Curriculum Reading and Writing Bundle resource includes the following 5 components:
  1. Writing Essentials
  2. Reading Essentials
  3. Teaching Poetry Unit
  4. Writing Anchor Charts Bundle
  5. Reading Anchor Charts Bundle

1. The 180+ page Writing resource includes: 

•Teacher Binder cover
•Complete set up guide
•The first 20 lessons to successfully launch
•Blank, editable writing minilesson page
•Blank, editable minilesson ideas list
•Writing Assessment procedures, 4 assessment prompts and an editable assessment prompt, scoring rubric, student self-evaluation
•Writing Conference Notes (individual and whole class notes)
•Status of the Class printable
•Student binder cover page (color or b/w), student journal cover page, student “While You Wait Work” cover pages (you fill with your own appropriate independent activities-DOL, handwriting, word ladders, etc.)
•Personal Narrative Checklist
•Rough Draft Checklist
•Topics to Write About blank list
•Writing Ideas List (common topics to spark writing)
•Prewriting Map and Sketch pages (personal narrative graphic organizer)
•Peer Conference and Revising Recording Sheet
•Writing cover page (for publishing)
•7 differentiated lined writing pages (for publishing)
•About the Author page
•Dedication page
•Reflection page
•The Writing Process (detailed student direction pages)
•Writing Process posters
•Writing Process display (students move their name along as they complete each step)
•Why Writers Write poster
•What Writers Write poster
•Our Class Book cover
•Author’s Chair Sign Up sheet
•Seasonal Word Banks
•Writing Portfolio cover
•Editable rubric
•Bulletin board/Writing center pencil letters banner (A-Z, 0-9 and various symbols)
•and MORE!

2. The 170+ page Reading bundle includes: 

•Teacher Binder cover (Editable text)
•Complete set up guide
•The first 20 lessons to successfully launch
•Blank reading minilesson page (whole group and guided reading formats)
•Blank minilesson ideas list
•Guided Reading At a Glance (weekly lesson planning template)
•Guided Reading sorting students pages (for 2-6 groups)
•Editable word cards (8/page, for guided reading word work)
•Word work word building mat (and lowercase letter tiles)
•Editable Reading Scoring Rubric
•Running record form
•Student binder cover page
•Reading Conference Notes (individual and whole class notes)
•Just Right Books poster
•Editable Reading Expectations poster
•Reading Conference prompts
•4 Differentiated Reading Response Journals (for Independent Reading)
•Comprehension Strategies Posters (table AND bookmark AND individual posters: Visualizing, Predicting, Inferring, Connecting, Questioning, Retelling, Summarizing, Identifying, Evaluating)
•Comprehension Strategy Practice (work pages for each comprehension lesson)
•Common Theme posters
•Reading Genre posters (table with all and individual posters)
•Book Talk sign up
•Book Talk Reminders (talking points) poster
•Books We Recommend poster
•Our Reading Stamina poster (blank minutes)
•Literature Circles roles poster and individual role work pages
•Bulletin board/Reading Focus Wall “READING!” letters banner
•Editable Reading at Home (tips for parents)
•Editable Classroom Book Borrowing Policy
•Weekly Home Reading Log
•Student reading interest survey (reading inventory)
•and MORE!

3. 100+ page Poetry Writing Lesson Plans Unit includes:
  • Teacher Binder cover
  • Set up tips
  • Class poems cover page (color or b/w)
  • Poetry Notebook cover
  • Poetry Poster
  • Common Elements of Poetry Posters and Minilessons: Line, Stanza, Rhyme, Rhythm, Theme, Mood, Repetition
  • Common Types of Poetry Posters and Minilessons: Rhyme, Acrostic, Concrete, Ode, Cinquain, Haiku, Limerick, Free Verse
  • Everything you need to host a Poetry Cafe (publishing party at the end of your unit)
  • Bulletin board letters banners (POETRY and POETRY CAFE)
  • and MORE!

4 & 5. Each Writing and Reading Anchor Chart includes:

Individual student page and larger pieces to create a poster-sized anchor chart that you can fill in with students (helping them own that learning by creating it together!). Think of all the TIME you’ll save not having to make your own! If you prefer to create your anchor chart with your class, just glue down the title/decorative/heading pieces ahead of time and complete the writing portions with your students. I’ve also included black and white student size versions (which are perfect for students to color!). These anchor charts are great to use as a kickstarter to introducing a new concept. These are also perfect for use in classrooms with ELLs, as they provide the necessary visuals & concise teaching points to reinforce content and academic vocabulary for multiple grade levels, and the individual page can be used as a reference at their desk or in a pull-out situation.

Writing Anchor Charts:

  1. Adverbs
  2. Author’s Purpose
  3. Capitalization
  4. Conclusions
  5. Complete Sentences
  6. Details
  7. Dialogue
  8. Expectations
  9. Friendly Letter
  10. Goals
  11. Hooks
  12. How-to
  13. Ideas
  14. Informative
  15. Onomatopoeia
  16. Opinion
  17. Paragraphs
  18. Peer Conferences
  19. Peer Editing
  20. Punctuation
  21. RACE
  22. Rubric
  23. Similes & Metaphors
  24. Small Moments
  25. Spice Up Writing
  26. Story Structure
  27. Transitions
  28. What Good Writers Do

Reading Anchor Charts:

  1. Adjectives
  2. Affixes (Prefixes and Suffixes)
  3. Annotating
  4. Cause and Effect
  5. Character Traits
  6. Close Reading
  7. Compare and Contrast
  8. Compound Words
  9. Connections
  10. Context Clues
  11. Fact and Opinion
  12. Fiction and Nonfiction
  13. Figurative Language
  14. Fluency
  15. Homophones
  16. Irregular Plural Nouns
  17. Making Inferences
  18. Main Idea
  19. Nonfiction Text Features
  20. Nouns
  21. Plot
  22. Point of View
  23. Predictions
  24. Questions
  25. Reading Expectations
  26. Retelling
  27. Sequencing
  28. Story Elements
  29. Synonyms
  30. Verbs
  31. Visualizing

What other teachers are saying about this Balanced Literacy Curriculum Reading and Writing Bundle resource:

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